My 7 year old nephew Joel, and his brother Nate, 5 learned chess with Elliott's Chess School on DVD. I was impressed at how much Joel knew. He correctly positioned the board with the white square in the bottom right corner, placed the queen "on her color" and played a decent game of chess.
For a young kid that just learned I was impressed with the quality and depth of what he already knew.
I think that's what Elliott does well. He speaks clear, plain English, and explains the rules and strategies of chess in a way even young kids can grasp.
Elliott is not just a highly qualified chess instructor, he's a caring individual who engages kids in a way they love, and teaches chess to strengthen life skills in kids.
I agree with a lot of people that are saying these DVD's are also very suitable for anyone that has been away from chess for a long time and wants to get acquainted with the game again.
Elliott's Chess School, is not only for beginners. It progressively increases into intermediate levels and many strategies that many players have either not heard of or not understood correctly when they learned the game.
Not only does the DVD chess instruction from Elliott teach beginners how to play, it creates strong intermediate players by covering often misunderstood or ignored material.
not only teaches beginners how to play chess, it creates strong intermediate players by covering often misunderstood or ignored material.
on 11/11/2009, Tom said… "I now teach chess at two elementary schools (one private and one public); and, as I have said before, Elliott's instructional DVDs are the best on the market. They are ideal for new and novice players; just right for most elementary school chess programs. Judging from the work done to create the Pawn and Knight level DVDs, I am very confident that the Bishop and Rook level DVDs will carry the novices to the Intermediate level. It's great to watch these kids learn and enjoy the game of chess!"
Learn more about this effective Chess Learning Kit.